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HomeCauseDoes Breast Cancer Cause Bruising

Does Breast Cancer Cause Bruising

Going Under The Knife Bruising Is Inevitable

Does Breast Bruising Cause Cancer?

Have you decided to give the girls a little lift? Maybe youre downsizing? Maybe youre going through the frightening experience of having a biopsy after a sketchy mammogram or a mastectomy to treat breast cancer.

Whatever the reason, surgery is traumatic to tissues and will cause bruising. Follow up with your surgeon to be sure youre healing well and that your bruises are fading as expected.

Do Mobile Phones Cause Breast Cancer

Theres no evidence that radiation from mobile phones has any effect on your risk of developing breast cancer.

Some people worry that radio waves produced and received by mobile phones may be a health risk, especially if they keep their phone in their breast pocket.

However, theres currently no evidence that radio waves from mobile phones cause breast cancer or increase the risk of developing it.

Can A Breast Injury Cause Cancer

It is a common misconception that a breast injury could cause cancer. No available research exists that indicates a link between breast injury and cancer.

Some people may believe that a breast injury could lead to cancer because breast injuries can cause a lump to develop after an injury. But a lump could be due to what is called fat necrosis.

Fat necrosis is scarring of dead or injured fatty tissue in the breast that can cause a lump. According to the American Cancer Society, fat necrosis does ânot increase a womanâs risk of breast cancer

A lump in the breast after an injury can also be due to a deep bruise that is known as a hematoma.

There are several potential complications of a traumatic breast injury:

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You’ve Got Painful Swelling

Swollen and painful breasts are, well, a pain, and while they’re mainly due to hormonal changes , they can be linked to breast cancer.

It’s all about the size and placement of the tumor, says Dr. Patt, which can be responsible for a change in the size or shape of your breast, or cause of painful swelling. While the vast majority of women who report breast pain do not have cancer, if breast pain and swelling aren’t linked to your menstrual cycle, you’re not breastfeeding, and it appears suddenly or doesn’t go away, give your doctor a call because whatever is happening needs to be addressed, adds Dr. Patt.

Where Do These Numbers Come From

Main signs of inflammatory breast cancer

The American Cancer Society relies on information from the SEER* database, maintained by the National Cancer Institute , to provide survival statistics for different types of cancer.

The SEER database tracks 5-year relative survival rates for breast cancer in the United States, based on how far the cancer has spread. The SEER database, however, does not group cancers by AJCC TNM stages . Instead, it groups cancers into localized, regional, and distant stages:

  • Localized: There is no sign that the cancer has spread outside of the breast.
  • Regional: The cancer has spread outside the breast to nearby structures or lymph nodes.
  • Distant: The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body such as the lungs, liver or bones.

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Does A Bruise On The Breast Mean Cancer

by Patient Expert

A bruise suddenly appeared on my breast. Should I worry? Lori

We receive many questions from concerned women here at HealthCentral.coms breast cancer site, and one of the most common themes involves changes in breast appearance.

Most women probably know that a new breast lump is a possible breast cancer symptom. But how about a rash, a crease, a patch of rough skin or a bruise? Should any of those be concerning?

Any breast change should be assessed, first by the woman herself, and later by a doctor if necessary. If you feel a lump and youre past menopause, call your doctor. If youre still having periods, its OK to wait a few weeks to see if the lump disappears most breast lumps in pre-menopausal women are the result of fluctuating hormones, not cancer.

But changes in appearance are more problematic. The vast majority of the time, a swollen breast, red skin, or a bruise is the result of an infection, an allergy, or an injury not cancer. The challenge is that all of these symptoms also can indicate inflammatory breast cancer , a rare but aggressive form of the disease thats easy to misdiagnose.

How do you determine if a bruise, a rash, or any other external change is serious enough to call the doctor?

See a doctor soon if:

Its OK to wait and see if:

What Does A Breast Cancer Bruise Look Like

An early sign of IBC is discoloration of the breast, with a section of the breast appearing red, pink, or purple in color. Discoloration can impact a third or more of the breast, according to the National Cancer Institute. The discoloration can look like a bruise, so you might shrug it off as nothing serious.

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Treating Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer that has not spread outside the breast or nearby lymph nodes is stage III. In most cases, treatment is chemotherapy first to try to shrink the tumor, followed by surgery to remove the cancer. Radiation is given after surgery, and, in some cases, more treatment may be given after radiation. Because IBC is so aggressive, breast conserving surgery and sentinel lymph node biopsy are typically not part of the treatment.

IBC that has spread to other parts of the body may be treated with chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and/or with drugs that targets HER2.

Our team is made up of doctors and oncology certified nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing.

American Joint Committee on Cancer. Breast. In: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th ed. New York, NY: Springer 2017:589.

Curigliano G. Inflammatory breast cancer and chest wall disease: The oncologist perspective. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018 Aug 44:1142-1147.

Hennessy BT, Gonzalez-Angulo AM, Hortobagyi GN, et al. Disease-free and overall survival after pathologic complete disease remission of cytologically proven inflammatory breast carcinoma axillary lymph node metastases after primary systemic chemotherapy. Cancer. 2006 106:10001006.

American Joint Committee on Cancer. Breast. In: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 8th ed. New York, NY: Springer 2017:589.

Can Nipple Piercing Cause Breast Cancer

The 12 Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs – What to Look for on Your Self-Breast Exam

Nipple piercings have become a popular trend. But theres currently no evidence that having pierced nipples increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

However, the area pierced is at risk of infection, at the time of the piercing and as long as you wear the jewellery, possibly even longer.

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What Complications Are Associated With Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Treatment for IBC can bring its own set of complications, such as lymphedema after removal of lymph nodes.

Because IBC develops so quickly, the condition has usually spread to other tissues by the time it is diagnosed. This metastasis can create a need for additional treatment to other areas of the body. IBC is also more likely to recur compared to other forms of breast cancer.

Common Causes Of Traumatic Breast Injury

The most common cause of a traumatic breast injury is a car accident. The seatbelt can cause trauma, or the airbag can deploy. Sometimes, the force of the collision slams your chest into the steering wheel. In all of these cases, it is possible to sustain an injury to your breast. Other causes of traumatic breast injury include assault, falling, or as the result of a sports injury.

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The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Eight signs of cancer you might not know about

For many, the first sign of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. However, breast cancer symptoms can vary widely from lumps to some less obvious signs such as skin changes. Discovering the symptoms of breast cancer does not necessarily mean it is cancer however, it is absolutely vital to discuss them with your doctor as soon as possible.

Breast cancer must be recognised and treated early. For people with early breast cancer this may offer the best chance of cure. For breast cancer that has already spread to other organs, known as advanced breast cancer, catching the disease early allows for early discussion and planning for a tailored treatment approach, which may ultimately improve patient outcomes. When it comes to diagnosing breast cancer, time is vital. Know the symptoms of breast cancer and act early.

You Feel A Strange Tickling Sensation

What Does A Rash From Breast Cancer Look Like

How your breasts feel internally can be just as important as how they feel on the outside, says Sherry Ross, MD, an OB-GYN and author of She-ology. Some women report feeling a sensation almost like theyre being tickled from the inside, their breast feels like its buzzing or prickly inside, or like their breast milk is letting down , she says.

Weird feelings can happen for no reason at all but if youre experiencing strange sensations in your breast that are abnormal and recurring, its time to call your doc, she says.

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Side Effects Of Breast Trauma

Traumatic breast injury is defined as any action or incident that causes damage to your breast or breast tissue. While most breast injuries do not result in permanent damage to the breasts, the result of breast trauma can be troubling to the person. Symptoms like pain, bruising, or a lump in the breast can make you believe you have breast cancer, but these tissue injuries, while uncomfortable, most often just require time for recovery.

Other Indications That It Might Be Cancer

You know that a lump may be a sign of breast cancer. But some types, like inflammatory breast cancer, dont usually cause a lump. So, its worth knowing other signs and symptoms of breast cancer, such as:

  • swelling around your breast, armpit, or collarbone
  • dimpling of your skin, which can resemble an orange peel
  • red or discolored, dry, flaky, or thickening skin on your breast or nipple
  • unusual nipple discharge, especially blood
  • the nipple is turning inward
  • any change in size or shape of a breast
  • pain

If cancer has advanced beyond your breast, symptoms may include:

  • unexplained weight loss
  • shortness of breath
  • bone pain

Symptoms in men are very much the same. Of course, having one or more symptoms doesnt mean you have breast cancer, but the only way to know for certain is to call a doctor as quickly as possible.

Breast cancer is most common in people who:

  • are female
  • with age, especially after 50
  • have a personal or family history of breast cancer
  • have their first period before 12 years old or menopause after 55 years old
  • experience physical inactivity

common among premenopausal women. It can cause fibrous lumps and cysts. These lumps may increase in size and tenderness before your period and decrease after.

Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs that are typically smooth and round. They may or may not feel tender. A milk retention cyst is called a galactocele.

Other benign breast lumps include:

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The Breast Cancer Centers At Ctca

At the Breast Cancer Centers at each of our CTCA® hospitals, located across the nation, our cancer experts are devoted to a single missiontreating breast cancer patients with compassion and precision. Each patients care team is led by a medical oncologist and coordinated by a registered oncology nurse, who helps track the various appointments, follow up on tests and answer questions that come up along the way. Your care team also may include a breast surgeon, radiation oncologist, radiologist, pathologist and a plastic and reconstructive surgeon with advanced training in helping patients restore function and appearance. Fertility preservation and genetic testing are also available for qualifying patients who need them.

Our pathologists and oncologists are experienced and trained in tools designed to diagnose, stage and treat different types of breast cancer, from early-stage ductal carcinoma in situ to complex diseases such as triple-negative and inflammatory breast cancer. As part of our patient-centered care model, which is designed to help you keep strong during treatment, your multidisciplinary care team may recommend various evidence-informed supportive therapies, such as naturopathic support, psychosocial support, nutritional support, physical and occupational therapy and pain management. The entire team works together with a whole-person focus, which is at the heart of our centers dedication to personalized and comprehensive care.

Sudden Change In Breast Size

Woman Never Noticed Greenish Bruise Which Ended Up Being Breast Cancer

IBC can change the appearance of the breasts. This change can occur suddenly. Because this cancer can cause inflammation and swelling, breast enlargement or thickness can occur.

The affected breast may appear noticeably larger than the other breast or feel heavy and hard.

If youve always had symmetrical breasts and you notice a sudden increase or decrease in the size of one breast, speak with your doctor to rule out IBC.

You may be familiar with the fact that there are different stages of breast cancer. These stages are used to reflect how far the cancer has progressed.

At the time of diagnosis, all cases of IBC are either at stage 3 or stage 4:

  • Stage 3. In stage 3 IBC, the cancer has spread to some of the tissues surrounding the breast. This can include nearby lymph nodes, the skin of the breast, and the tissues of the chest wall.
  • Stage 4. In stage 4 IBC, the cancer has spread to more distant areas of the body, such as the lungs, liver, or bones. This is called metastasis. According to the ACS, its estimated that IBC has metastasized in

diagnostic criteria for IBC include:

  • breast redness, swelling, dimpling, or warmth that comes on quickly, with or without a detectable lump or mass
  • redness that includes at least a third of the breast
  • symptoms that have lasted for no longer than 6 months
  • confirmation of the presence of cancer cells through a biopsy

Now lets explore the diagnostic methods that can be used for IBC in a little more detail.

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Changes In The Skin Texture On Or Around Breast: Dimpling

Dimpling of the skin could suggest that the tiny channels in the breast, called lymph vessels, which help get rid of waste products from the body, have become blocked. This causes the breast to become inflamed and swollen and a large area of skin to develop little dimples, like orange peel. In some cases, this is a sign of a type of breast cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer.

Treating Bruises At Home

Your doctor will give you instructions for reducing bruising, swelling, and pain. Unless your doctor advises something differently, the following dos and donts will help promote healing.

Your bruise is bleeding under the skin. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as aspirin , ibuprofen , and naproxen , reduce pain and inflammation, but they also interfere with your bloods ability to clot. This means you bleed more easily, and it takes longer for bleeding to stop.

A yellow bruise on your breast rarely signifies anything more than a passing injury. Your body will usually absorb the blood from your bruise within about two weeks.

Did you know?

Newborns often need treatment when their bilirubin levels are too high and they become jaundiced, taking on a yellow tint to their skin and eyes. Spending time under bili lights usually corrects the condition.

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Five Things Friday: Symptoms Of Inflammatory Breast Cancer

  • 11:27 pm

Inflammatory breast cancer- What is it and what are the symptoms?

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer that occurs when malignant cells block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast. IBC is different from other forms of breast cancer because it commonly does not cause a lump or mass.

IBC accounts for only 1 to 5 percent of all cases of breast cancer and has a five-year survival rate of only 40 percent. Its important to recognize the signs of inflammatory breast cancer and speak with a doctor immediately if you notice changes in your breast.

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer

Because IBC is an aggressive form of cancer, the disease can progress rapidly within days, weeks, or months. Because of this, receiving an early diagnosis is extremely important. While you usually dont develop a lump thats characteristic of other breast cancers, you may have several of the following symptoms.

1. Breast discoloration

An early sign of inflammatory breast cancer is discoloration of the breast. A small section may appear red, pink, or purple. The discoloration can look like a bruise, so you might shrug it off as nothing serious. But breast redness is a classic symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. Dont ignore unexplained bruising on your breast.

2. Breast pain

3. Skin dimpling

4. Change in nipple appearance

5. Enlarged lymph nodes and/or sudden change in breast size

Information reprinted from Healthline.

Stage 4 Inflammatory Breast Cancer Treatment

Why Is There a Yellow Bruise on My Breast?

Cancer thats spread to more distant areas of the body is typically treated using one or a combination of the systemic therapies mentioned above. These include:

  • chemotherapy

Its unclear exactly what causes IBC to occur. In general, cancer develops due to genetic changes. These can happen due to a variety of factors, such as:

  • genetic changes inherited from your parents
  • errors that naturally occur during cell division
  • damage to DNA through environmental exposures

Sometimes mutations can happen in genes that are associated with cell growth and division. When this happens, cells can begin to grow and divide out of control.

In IBC, cells in the breast ducts or lobules begin to rapidly grow and divide. As cancer cells build up, they block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast. These leads to the redness, swelling, and dimpling associated with IBC.

There are a few risk factors associated with developing IBC. These include:

  • Age. IBC typically occurs in younger women.
  • Weight. People that have overweight or obesity are more likely to develop IBC.
  • Race. Research shows that IBC occurs more frequently in Black women compared with white women.

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