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HomeDoes Breast Cancer Have An Odor

Does Breast Cancer Have An Odor

Answer: Foul Odor From Wound After Breast Reduction Surgery

New test can smell breast cancer

You have necrotic tissue in the breast you have pictured. The foul odor is a result of bacterial colonization of that tissue. The foul odor can also be caused by a more sever infection, which is hopefully not the case. Either way, you should be seen by your doctor urgently, and the necrotic tissue should be further debrided til the open wound is clean and there is no more foul smell. Best of luck to you.

Taste And Smell Changes From Cancer And Cancer Treatment

Your body has taste and smell mechanisms to help you survivethey warn you away from spoiled food and substances that could harm you. But these senses are also there to entice you to eat, so when food tastes and/or smells different, it may turn off your appetite. This may lead to nutrient deficiencies and weight loss.

Most of the time, changes in taste and smell are temporary side effects of cancer treatment. However, there are things you can do to help yourself in the meantime, both on your own and with the help of your care team.

Armpits Ear Wax And Breast Cancer

Women shouldn’t get anxious about the research, says Christy Russell, MD, associate professor of medicine at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, who reviewed the study for WebMD. “At this point the research is very early and women should not be concerned about body odor or earwax as a clue that they may have a higher risk of breast cancer.”

“Having ear wax and body odor are normal physical processes that all women go through,” she says.

To put the research in perspective, she says, the researchers are looking for common gene abnormalities in glands that secrete mucus, sweat, or wax that may be linked with breast cancer risk.

The researchers managed to figure out the exact cellular level mechanisms which lead to all three conditions, says Gerald Weissmann, MD, editor-in-chief of The FASEB Journal and research professor of medicine and director of the Biotechnology Study Center at New York University.

“I think this is a groundbreaking study which combines human genetics, human anthropology, and first-rate molecular and cell biology,” he says. The development of the rapid SNP typing method, he says, promises to help predict who might be at higher risk for serious conditions such as cancer by looking at “trivial observations such as smelly armpits and wet ear wax.”

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Are Dogs Allowed At The Breast Cancer Walk

This is a day to bring family and friends of all ages together to stand against breast cancer. Are dogs allowed at the event? Dogs are allowed at the walk but please keep in mind that our walk has 50,000 walkers and dogs may feel overwhelmed if they are not formally trained. Dogs must be leashed always.

Training And Test Room

Do antiperspirants cause breast cancer? Experts weigh in ...

The training and testing of the dog were conducted in a 4.8âmÃ8.0âm room with vinyl tiling and overhead fluorescent and natural window lighting. The room was not climate controlled and average ambient temperatures during the study ranged from 9°C to 20°C. At the end of each study day the floor was wiped with water and a damp mop.

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The Detection Accuracy By The Two Dogs

The detection results for each of the training samples over 4 days are shown in . The detection accuracy for the 4T1 training samples was 94% by Dog-1, and the detection accuracy for the CT26 training samples was 94% by Dog-2. The detection results for each of the test samples from the unfamiliar cancers over 4 days are shown in . The detection accuracy for the CT26 test samples by Dog-1 was 91% , and the detection accuracy for the 4T1 test samples by Dog-2 was 95% .

Sour Smell Under Breasts: Causes And How To Get Rid Of It

Many factors play a role in maintaining charm and beauty of a woman. Having large beautiful breasts is one important factor that adds up the beauty of a females curvaceous figure. However, certain factors such as sour smell emanating under the breast acts as a spoil sport. This foul odor is quiet embarrassing for an otherwise healthy woman.

Foul odor occurs due to accumulation of sweat under the breast and in the skin folds underneath the breast. Constant moisture under the breast encourages the bacteria, fungus and other organisms to breed rapidly.

Sour smell under the breast is best controlled by following proper hygienic practice. Treating infection with anti fungal cream also helps to control bad odor under the breast.

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Treatment For A Breast Infection

The primary treatment for a breast infection is antibiotics. Youll usually need to take the medication for 10 to 14 days. You can also use mild over-the-counter pain relievers.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and get adequate rest to fight the infection. If breastfeeding is a problem, your doctor or lactation consultant can help you adjust your technique. After a couple of weeks, your infection should be cleared up.

Answer: Nipple Areola Necrosis And Debridement After Breast Reduction

Antiperspirants, Deodorants, and Breast Cancer

Although the risk of nipple areola necrosis and fat necrosis after breast reduction is very small, additional areas of necrosis should be conservatively debrided. Any foul odor can be a concern for infection, but necrotic tissue produces a foul odor as well. Whenever there is a concern for infection or an additional area of necrosis, a visit to the surgeon’s office is in order.

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Why Do Diseases Smell

Diseases change the way a body works, says Yehuda Zeiri, PhD, a biomedical engineer at Ben-Gurion Universitys Kiryat Bergman Campus in Beer-Sheva, Israel. When disease leads to enhancement of new and different biochemical processes in the body, these processes may lead to the production of small volatile molecules, he explains. These can be transported by the blood to the lungs and be released in exhaled breath they can also be released in the urine and sweat.

What Causes Changes In Taste And Smell

Certain head and neck cancers may cause changes to your sense of taste and smell. But oftentimes, these are side effects of cancer treatment for any type of cancer.

  • Chemotherapy changes receptor cells in your mouth. If youve had chemotherapy, you may notice that your sense of smell has increased or that youre more sensitive to certain foods. With this comes the possibility that your sense of taste may be affected, too. About 75 percent of people who undergo chemotherapy have some sort of change in their taste. While your sense of smell and of taste change as you progress through chemotherapy treatment, this usually goes away within a few weeks or months after its completion.
  • Radiation therapy for cancer, especially when its targeted to your head and neck, may cause damage to your taste buds and salivary glands. However, you may not notice symptoms for two or three weeks after treatment begins.
  • Surgery on any part of your oral cavity, such as your mouth or tongue, may affect the number of remaining taste buds. This may lead to a decreased sense of taste.

Other treatments and medications that may also affect your sense of taste and/or smell include antibiotics, opioids and immunotherapies such as interleukin-2.

Sometimes, other side effects of treatmentsuch as nausea and vomiting, mouth sores or dry mouthmay also affect how foods taste and smell.

Don’t Miss: United Breast Cancer Foundation Rating

Does Cancer Smell Can People Smell Cancer

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with cancer, you probably have a million questions. Your head may be spinning with all the new words you hear and the treatment options you need to decide about. Even with all that going on, youre probably just as worried about how your day to day life might be affected.

Theres a lot of technical and medical issues to ask about, and some of them may seem too small or silly to ask. One question that newly diagnosed cancer patients often wonder about is Does cancer smell?

There are two reasons for asking this question. Patients and family members sometimes wonder if they could have found the cancer sooner by being more vigilant about odors. Patients are also concerned that their illness may make them smell bad or give off an unpleasant odor, offending people around them.

Rest assured that you are not alone in wondering about cancer smell. Your medical team has probably heard this question at least a hundred times or more. And while it may seem like a simple question, the answer is actually not quite so simple.

Ear Wax Body Odor: Breast Cancer Link

Deodorants Don

Researchers See Clues for Breast Cancer Risk in Underarm Body Odor and Wet Ear Wax

June 5, 2009 — A variation in a gene already associated with breast cancer risk is also linked with especially unpleasant underarm body odor and wet ear wax, according to a team of Japanese scientists.

The discovery is not meant to make women with either condition anxious, says Toshi Ishikawa, PhD, professor of biomolecular engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the senior author of the study. Rather, he says, “we do strongly hope that our study will provide a new tool for better prediction of breast cancer risk” by using a new method of finding the variation developed by his team.

Having wet ear wax or excessively smelly armpits does not mean a woman is destined to get breast cancer, Ishikawa says. “To be clear, I should strongly mention that the is one factor that increases breast cancer risk,” Ishikawa says. “And it might have to work in tandem with something else — such as environmental factors and mutations of tumor suppressor genes such as BRCA1, BRCA2, p53, and so on.”

Ishikawa’s team extracted DNA from blood samples provided by 124 volunteers at Nagasaki University in Japan.

While many SNPs don’t affect the way cells function, experts think that other variations may predispose people to specific diseases such as cancer or affect the way they respond to a medication.

The study is published in The FASEB Journal.

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Does Cancer Sometimes Have A Smell

nikola61Joined: Mar 2012

Mar 17, 2012 – 10:17 am

I desperately need advice and I do not want to offend anyone but please respond if you can relate to this. My husband had prostate cancer 6 years ago and had it surgically removed and has been fine.

For the last year he has had lower back pain which sometimes radiates into the legs and he has a smell, sickening sweet would be my best description of it. Sometimes it is very strong and other days hardly noticable. I have this very uncomfortable feeling that the cancer is back elsewhere.

The doctor told us that the prostate cancer is the primary cancer and if it had spread elsewhere we would not know until he had other symptoms. And now he definitely has some odd things going on.

The problem is he will not go to a doctor at all. He lost two brothers to cancer and said that if he is dying he does not want to know. He has been suffering from depression since the initial diagnosis and is now drinking a lot. He is so angry that he will not talk to me about his health at all. It has caused our marriage a huge amount of stress.

Can anyone answer my question? I have a feeling the smell has to do with cancer although my dad died from lymphoma and I never noticed a smell around him. Please answer if you can provide any information about this. I need to get an idea of what I might be dealing with in the near future.

Thank you so much.

A Cancer Smell: Folklore Or Reality

There are many stories about people who claim to be able to smell cancer, and it may very well be true. Different people have different sensory capabilities. Just as a professional nose in a perfumery may be able to easily discern every subtle note in a delicate fragrance while the rest of us can only guess at a limited ingredient list, there may be people with the ability to sniff out cancer.

Before the advent of modern medicine, using odors on the breath was an accepted way of diagnosing disease. Doctors still use the distinctive fruity odor of a diabetics breath as a marker of the disease. Patients with other diseases, including kidney disease, diphtheria, typhoid, tuberculosis, liver disease and cystic fibrosis, are said to have characteristic scents. Certainly no one would argue with the smell of gangrene as a diagnostic tool.

However, most of the stories about people who can allegedly smell cancer center around somebodys grandmother, an experienced nurse or a luckyor unluckybystander. Few of the stories agree on the actual aroma of cancer, which may mean there isnt one, or it may mean that it varies by the type of cancer.

Even though the stories resemble folklore more than scientific reality, there may still be a grain of truth to the legends. Theres at least enough truth in the stories to have spawned several scientific research studies and the quest for an artificial nose, which well examine in a later section.

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Lube Up With An Aluminum

Antiperspirants stop you from sweating, and deodorants mask the smell of sweat.

However, because antiperspirants and deodorants are used near the breast, some scientists believe there could be a breast cancer link. The aluminum compounds found in most antiperspirants might mimic the effects of estrogen.

According to the

Who Is At Risk

Does Deodorant Cause Breast Cancer?

Any woman can get a breast infection, but its more likely to happen when youre breastfeeding. Cracked nipples can allow bacteria to enter your body. Youre also at higher risk for an infection if you have blocked milk ducts.

Inflammatory breast cancer isnt common. The median age at diagnosis is 57. Black women have a higher risk than white women. Youre also at higher risk if youre obese.

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How To Empty And Record The Wound Drainage / Jp Drainage

  • Empty the JP drain every 12 hours beginning on the evening you get home from the hospital.
  • Use the small measuring cup you received from the hospital and the daily record sheet included on the website.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Start by stripping the drain tube so any clots that could clog the system are pushed out. To do this, grasp the tubing near the patients body, firmly squeeze the tubing and work downward toward the drain bulb, taking care not to let pressure off the tube. Do this as many times as necessary to work out any clots or solid material. The person who is working the tubing may feel some burning on their fingers due to friction but stripping should not should not hurt the patient. If there arent any clots or solid material you will only have to do this once or twice but be sure to do it every time you empty the bulb. Sometimes stripping will cause the tubing to collapse but dont worry about that, the tubing will open up again on its own.
  • Remove the cap from the bulb and gently squeeze the fluid out of the bulb into the measuring cup that you brought home from the hospital.
  • Put the measuring cup on a flat surface and measure the fluid in milliliters . You can use ounces if youre more comfortable with that.
  • Throw the fluid away. Rinse the measuring cup and put it away for the next time. Do not rinse any part of the JP drain or take the drainage system apart.
  • When To See A Doctor

    Signs that you should call your doctor right away include:

    • Fever

    National Cancer Institute: âInflammatory Breast Cancer.â

    UpToDate: âPatient education: Common Breast Problems â

    Mayo Clinic: âBreast Rash: Causes,â âBreast Rash: When to see a doctor,â âMastitis: Causes,â âMastitis: Definition,â âMastitis: Symptoms,â âMastitis: Tests and diagnosis,â âMastitis: Treatment and drugs.â

    National Breast Cancer Foundation: âInflammatory Breast Cancer .â

    Cancer Research UK: âCan itching be a sign of breast cancer?â âPagetâs disease of the breast.â

    Breast Cancer Care: âBenign Breast Conditions,â âIntertrigo .â

    The Royal Womenâs Hospital: âNipple Eczema Dermatitis.â

    Johns Hopkins Medicine: âInflammatory Breast Cancer .â

    Merck Manual : âBreast Infection.â âDiagnosis and Staging of Inflammatory Breast Cancer.â

    Journal of Midwifery & Womenâs Health: âDiagnosis and Management of Candida of the Nipple and Breast.â

    American Academy of Dermatology: âHives,â âScabies,â âShingles: Overview.â

    CDC: âPsoriasis.â

    Read Also: Baking Soda And Honey For Cancer

    Patient And Control Sample Donors

    Patients were enrolled from 20 June 2008 to 20 May 2009 at the Fukuoka Dental College Medical and Dental Hospital and Arita Kyoritsu Hospital. To prepare for colonoscopy, subjects ingested 2âl of a balanced electrolyte and polyethylene glycol 4000 solution . Patients were required to be > 20âyears old. Patients and controls completed a questionnaire about factors that could influence volatile molecules in the breath or watery stool samples including age, physical symptoms , history of cancer treatment, present use of anticoagulants and smoking within the previous 2âweeks. Colorectal diseases diagnosed primarily by colonoscopy were recorded in detail and pathological examination of biopsy samples was performed if necessary. Patients who had undergone cancer surgery within the previous year, those who did not undergo examination for cancer recurrence despite having undergone cancer surgery more than 5âyears previously and those currently receiving chemotherapy were excluded. A serial number was written on each sample at the time of collection to identify individual information.

    Mother With Breast Cancer Banned From Going Into Her Daughter’s School Because The Principal Says She Smells Too Bad

    Can newborn babies smell cancer?

    01:04 EDT, 15 November 2013 | Updated:

    A mother with stage 4 breast cancer has decided not to attend her daughter’s school Thanksgiving after the principal initially banned her because of her smell.

    Kerri Mascareno was personally told by the Tierra Antigua Elementary principal that she could not step foot in the building because her smell was disturbing his employees.

    ‘He just said he knows this is going to hurt my feelings and he understands where Im coming from because his mother had breast cancer and she had the same exact smell and I can no longer be in the school and that with me being in the school that I made his employees ill,’ she told local Albuquerque station KOB4.


    Insult to injury: Kerri Mascareno was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in August and has been treating the tumor with chemotherapy, which sometimes results in a distinctive smell

    Kept away: Her daughter’s school principal said that Ms Mascareno is not allowed to go inside the elementary school building because it is making his employees ill

    Though not all breast cancer sufferers report a smell, many have reported a distinct odor coming as a result of their body’s reaction to the chemotherapy.

    Ms Mascareno told the local news station that she understands it can be overpowering at times, but it is something she has had to deal with since being diagnosed with the advanced case of the disease in August.

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