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HomeCauseCan Breast Reduction Surgery Cause Cancer

Can Breast Reduction Surgery Cause Cancer

What Are The Risks Of Breast Reduction

Large Breasted Women Can Get a Reduction with Breast Cancer Surgery

Risks associated with breast reduction surgery include bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Among the other possible dangers are:

  • Inflammation that is usually temporary
  • Scarring
  • The nipples and skin surrounding the nipples are numb or have no sensation
  • Obstacles to breastfeeding
  • Left and right breasts have different sizes, shapes, and symmetry after surgery, which could lead to further surgery to improve your appearance.

Breast Reduction And Reshaping

Breast reduction and reshaping may be an option for you if you have larger breasts and need to have part of your breast removed for cancer treatment.

After the cancer is removed, the remaining breast tissue is reshaped to create a smaller breast. You can have surgery to make your other breast smaller so your breasts match. This is usually done at the same time but may be done as a second operation.

Breast reduction and reshaping can:

  • allow women with larger cancers or women with large areas of DCIS to have breast-conserving surgery
  • increase the chance of removing the cancer completely at the first operation, compared with a standard wide local excision
  • reduce problems, such as changes to breast size, that are more likely in women with large breasts who have radiotherapy
  • treat certain problems, such as shoulder and back pain, which are common in women who have larger breasts.

Another option is for the surgeon to put more tissue into the treated breast. This is called a breast volume replacement. This can be done:

Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Part of the current knowledge on breast carcinomas is based on in vivo and in vitro studies performed with cell lines derived from breast cancers. These provide an unlimited source of homogenous self-replicating material, free of contaminating stromal cells, and often easily cultured in simple standard media. The first breast cancer cell line described, BT-20, was established in 1958. Since then, and despite sustained work in this area, the number of permanent lines obtained has been strikingly low . Indeed, attempts to culture breast cancer cell lines from primary tumors have been largely unsuccessful. This poor efficiency was often due to technical difficulties associated with the extraction of viable tumor cells from their surrounding stroma. Most of the available breast cancer cell lines issued from metastatic tumors, mainly from pleural effusions. Effusions provided generally large numbers of dissociated, viable tumor cells with little or no contamination by fibroblasts and other tumor stroma cells.Many of the currently used BCC lines were established in the late 1970s. A very few of them, namely MCF-7, T-47D, MDA-MB-231 and SK-BR-3, account for more than two-thirds of all abstracts reporting studies on mentioned breast cancer cell lines, as concluded from a Medline-based survey.

Metabolic markers

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    Add A Comment3 Comments

    Microcalcifications are extremely common nowadays and almost always associated with a benign breast condition unrelated to cancer. They appears as white dots on a mammogram, and are not a cause of concern. Microcalcifications are also basically calcium deposits, but they are much smaller and much less common. Microcalcification tends to be the result of a genetic mutations somewhere in the breast tissue, but they can still be due to other conditions. Go through the site of for further details.

    The Cost And Recovery

    Can Breast Augmentation Trigger Cancer?

    Breast reduction surgery is an expensive procedure, though your insurance may cover it if it’s performed to relieve medical symptoms. The recovery time can take anywhere from two to six weeks. Another factor to weigh: If your nipples are removed from your breast, and you’re planning to have a baby in the future, you won’t be able to breastfeed. Even if your nipples remain attached through the surgery, you may still have some difficulty. However, it may not be as bad as you’d think. A study done at McGill University found that a woman’s odds of being able to nurse after the procedure were about the same as those of other moms.

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    The Effect Of Your Size On Your Self

    Oftentimes women are just very self-conscious about their breasts, says Dr. Maman. They feel like they are unable to wear certain types of clothes that they like to wear. Indeed, Winter talked about how it felt to be bullied about her appearance online: “I’d just be wearing something anyone else could wear, but I’d read comments saying, ‘She dresses inappropriately.'” Large breasts tend to attract a lot of unwanted attention, which may help explain why so many women who get reductions are typically happy with the outcome. In a 2012 study, one year out from their surgery, 80% of patients rated their results as “good” or “very good.”

    Finding A Qualified Medical Practitioner

    Ask your GP for advice on a reputable medical practitioner or hospital where breast reductions are performed.

    At your first consultation, ask the medical practitioner about their training and experience.

    This procedure should be done by a medical practitioner who is specially trained to perform breast reductions and has a lot of experience in carrying out this type of surgery. Ask to see the medical practitioners certificates that show them to be qualified to perform this specialised surgery.

    All doctors practising in Victoria must be registered with the Medical Board of Australia . Find out if your medical practitioner is registered with the Board by searching on the AHPRA website.

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    What Causes This Condition

    Sports injuries, surgeries, or other health issues can cause nerve damage and result in winged scapula, but breast cancer is one cause that is often overlooked. Winged scapula can happen to any person who has had an axillary lymph node dissection as part of a mastectomy procedure.

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    Potential Complications With Breast Reduction Surgery

    Tips to Reduce Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery

    All surgery carries some degree of risk. Some of the possible complications of breast reduction include:

    • surgical risks such as bleeding or infection
    • fluid accumulation around the implant after surgery
    • allergic reaction to suture materials, tape adhesive or other medical materials and lotions
    • changes in breast and nipple sensation
    • temporary or permanent areas of numbness
    • wrinkling of the skin over the implant
    • keloid, or lumpy scar tissue, which is raised and irregularly shaped. These scars may be inflamed and itchy
    • capsular contracture, where firm scar tissue forms around the implant causes it to lose shape and softness
    • inappropriate implant size
    • asymmetry of the breasts
    • calcium deposits in the scar capsule around the implant
    • granulomas, or lumps, in local lymph node tissue formed by leaking silicone
    • breastfeeding difficulties, including reduced milk supply
    • reduced effectiveness of breast cancer screening, as an implant may hide breast tissue during a mammogram
    • movement of the implants from their original position
    • further surgery to treat complications
    • risks of anaesthesia including allergic reaction or potentially fatal cardiovascular complications such as heart attack
    • a blood clot in the deep veins of the legs , which can move to the lungs or to the brain, and may be life threatening

    This is not a complete list. For example, your medical history or lifestyle may put you at increased risk of certain complications. Speak to your surgeon for more information.

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    How Do I Know If A Facility Or Health Service Establishment Is Registered

    To find out if a facility is registered, you can:

    • visit the Department of Health and Human Services Private hospitals page and expand the contact details for private hospitals link
    • call the Departments Private Hospitals Unit on
    • ask to see the facilitys certificate of registration .

    You can also contact the unit to report suspected illegal activity or for further queries regarding liposuction, cosmetic surgery or anaesthesia in Victoria.

    Will Breast Reduction Affect Pregnancy

    Post- or pre-pregnancy breast reduction is an option. There must be at least one year between the surgery and pregnancy due to the fact that it is intrusive. Thereby, recanalization and re-innervation processes will allow the mammary system to recover itself in a more natural manner. And this is especially true when a nipple-areola complex and mammary system connection is severed following surgery.

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    For Women At Increased Risk Of Breast Cancer

    If you are a woman at increased risk for breast cancer , there are some things you can do that might help lower your chances of developing breast cancer .

    • Genetic counseling and testing for breast cancer risk
    • Close observation to look for early signs of breast cancer
    • Medicines to lower breast cancer risk
    • Preventive surgery

    Your health care provider can help you determine your risk of breast cancer, as well as which, if any, of these options might be right for you.

    Reconstruction After Breast Conserving Surgery


    Breast conserving surgery removes only part of the breast. The appearance of the breast is usually very good after this type of surgery followed by radiotherapy.

    Few women need reconstructive surgery when only part of their breast is removed. But some women may need reconstruction of the remaining breast tissue. It may be possible to have a partial reconstruction or breast re-shaping.

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    Who Can Have Breast Reconstruction

    Breast reconstruction might be possible for you even if you have:

    • a radical mastectomy
    • radiotherapy
    • large breasts

    If you are well enough you can have breast reconstruction at any age. There is a higher risk of complications if you smoke, are very overweight, or have other serious medical conditions.

    For men, the implants currently available don’t recreate the correct shape of a mans breast. So it is not usual for men to have breast reconstruction. Your surgeon might be able to improve the appearance of the chest with more surgery after mastectomy.

    About Breast Reconstruction After Breast

    Most women do not need breast reconstruction after an operation to remove part of their breast . But if you have a larger amount of breast tissue removed, you may be offered reconstructive surgery.

    This can improve the appearance of your breasts or make them look more even. It can prevent problems developing later on with the appearance of the breast.

    Breast-conserving surgery and partial breast reconstruction can be done:

    • as two separate operations .

    As with any breast cancer operation, it is very important to be sure that all the cancer has been removed from the breast. This is done by carefully checking the tissue taken from the breast after the operation. If you have immediate reconstruction and these checks show there may be some remaining cancer cells in the breast, you may need more surgery.

    Possible operations to improve the appearance of the breasts after breast-conserving surgery include:

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    Breast Reduction Surgery For Males

    For males, breast reduction is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of their breasts . A mans breasts may sag and stretch due to excess breast tissue . Gynecomastia can affect one breast or both breasts .

    Gynaecomastia affects males of all ages and is a prevalent condition. It is possible for males to develop huge breasts as a result of hormone shifts, weight gain or inherited problems, sickness or the use of certain substances such as anabolic steroids or marijuana.

    However, its better to have the procedure done while the breasts are completely matured. Adolescents may benefit from surgery however secondary treatments may be needed in the future if breast development continues.

    Having gynecomastia can be emotionally draining and have an impact on a mans self-esteem. Some men may try to hide their illness by avoiding certain physical activities or intimate relationships with others.

    How BMI is calculated

    The BMI is computed as follows:

    Body Mass Index = /2

    As a general rule, a BMI 18.5 means you are underweight, 18.5-24.9 is considered normal, 25-29.9 is considered overweight, and > 30 means you are obese. However, it does not take into consideration factors such as body fat percentage. Athletes with very little body fat but a lot of muscle mass are classified as obese on this scale because they have too much muscle mass.

    Things To Consider Before Breast Reduction Surgery

    Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Surgery at the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery

    Some important issues to consider include:

    • The procedure is best done when breasts are fully developed.
    • Breast and nipple piercings can cause an infection.
    • Breast reduction surgery can interfere with some diagnostic procedures.
    • Your ability to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery may be limited. Talk to your medical practitioner if you are planning to breastfeed a baby in the future.
    • Changes in the breasts during pregnancy or significant weight loss or gain can alter the outcomes of previous breast reduction surgery.
    • Think about the financial cost. Breast reduction is commonly considered a reconstructive surgical procedure , so the surgery may be covered by health insurance if it is performed to relieve medical symptoms. For more information:
    • Ask your medical practitioner about any out-of-pocket costs you can expect, and if you will be eligible for a rebate.
    • Visit for more information on private health insurance.
    • Smokers are at increased risk of complications. To decrease the risk of complications, and for your general health and wellbeing, try to quit smoking before having surgery.
    • Consider asking another medical practitioner for a second opinion. It is important to have as much information as possible, before deciding to have breast reduction surgery.

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    Breast Cancer Myths Debunked

    Do underwire bras or antiperspirants increase breast cancer risk? Get the breast cancer facts you need.

    Chances are youve heard at least a few myths about what causes breast cancer or increases your breast cancer risk. A little myth-busting is in order so you can get your breast cancer facts straight.

    Myth No. 1: Underwire Bras Cause Breast Cancer

    Thats absolutely untrue, says breast surgical oncologist Kandace McGuire, MD, of the Breast Cancer Program of Magee Womens Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa.

    Dr. McGuire explains that this myth is based on an old theory that an underwire bra would reduce lymphatic drainage and increase breast cancer risk. It was not based on any data whatsoever, she says.

    Until now. A study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention in September 2014 is the first to use a rigorous scientific study design to investigate whether bra-wearing habits could affect breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Among the factors researchers considered were bra type and daily or lifetime use of bras. Their conclusion: Theres no evidence linking bras to breast cancer risk.

    So rest assured that constriction of your breasts, whether from an underwire bra or any kind of compression garment, does not affect your breast cancer risk.

    Myth No. 2: Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer

    There have been no studies to suggest a link between antiperspirants and breast cancer, says McGuire. There are two possible points of origin for this cancer myth:

    Helping Yourself Before Breast Reconstruction

    You will recover more quickly after reconstruction surgery if you do the following things before your operation.

    Stop smoking

    Smoking can damage blood supply to tissue. It can also increase your risk of getting an infection. If tissue is taken from your tummy , smoking increases the risk of hernia.

    Maintain a healthy weight

    There is an increased risk of complications from an anaesthetic if you are overweight. Ask for a referral to a dietitian if you would like to lose weight before the operation.

    Keep physically active

    It can be useful to do sit ups if tissue is going to be taken from your tummy . You could aim to build up to 30 sit ups a day. Talk to your doctor or specialist nurse before starting any exercise.

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    Theres A Chance Youll Have Decreased Nipple Sensation

    Immediately after surgery, your nipples might feel numb. Some sensation in the nipples almost always comes back, but it might take a month or two, Dr. Bernard says. Certain surgical techniques are more likely to preserve nipple sensation, so be sure to bring this up to your surgeon if it is a concern for you.

    How Breast Reduction Surgery Is Done

    Breast Reduction Surgery

    Surgery to reduce the size of the breasts is performed under general anaesthesia. As a result, youll be asleep throughout the procedure. In general, the operation includes the following steps:

    • repositioning your nipple while its still connected to the blood supply
    • the process of removing fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin from your breasts
    • breast tissue reshaping
    • Depending on the extent of the breast reduction, the operation can take up to three hours.
    • In most cases, youll need to spend one or two nights in the hospital.

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    Detection And Treatment Of Bia

    While BIA-ALCL is rare, it remains important to understand the symptoms and prevention techniques for the disease.

    As you consider breast implants, be sure to discuss your family health history and any concerns you may have with Dr. MacLennan. This will allow you to make an informed, healthy decision about the type of implants you will receive. At present, we use only smooth surface implants from all 3 implant companies available in the USA .

    After your breast augmentation or reconstruction, remember to have routine cancer screenings according to American Cancer Society guidelines, as well as checkups with Dr. MacLennan. In reported cases, the most common BIA-ALCL symptom is a painless swelling of the breasts years after the surgery due to the development of fluid around the implant. If you notice a significant change in size after you have already healed from the surgery, request a checkup for an exam with Dr. MacLennan.

    Treatment for BIA-ALCL is highly effective and most commonly involves the removal of the implant and scar capsule. Over 90 percent of patients are disease-free at three years following their treatment. In more advanced cases, additional treatment with a medication called brentuximab has been effective.


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