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HomeHer2-negative Breast Cancer Diet

Her2-negative Breast Cancer Diet

Her2 Positive Breast Cancer: What Is It

Olaparib Beneficial for BRCA-Mutated HER2-Negative Breast Cancer

HER2 is a protein. Sometimes, a gene mutation can lead to excessive production of this protein, which may in turn make cancer cells grow and spread faster. You may also read/hear this as overexpression of the HER2 protein.

It is important to note that you do not necessarily inherit this gene mutation from your parents, and you do not pass it on to your children.

It is estimated that about 1 in every 5 of breast cancers diagnosed are characterised as HER2-positive.

Although it can be thought of as being an aggressive cancer, the treatments developed against it are considered generally effective.

Lifestyle Changes After Breast Cancer

Lifestyle Changes after Breast Cancer Treatment: Conversations on Survival. A group of breast cancer survivors openly discuss what lifestyle changes were continued or changed after treatment. The importance of living in the moment, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and knowing what is really important in life are all discussed.

To help yourself better cope with the side effects of breast cancer treatment and to reduce your chances of breast cancer recurrence, try incorporating these healthy tips:

1) Take care of yourself emotionally

  • Put your needs first sometimes
  • Attend a support group or find a breast cancer survivor you can talk with
  • Stay informed about new breast cancer research
  • Consider psychotherapy and/or antidepressants if warranted if youre taking tamoxifen, check with your oncologist to ensure the prescribed antidepressant does not interfere with your endocrine treatment
  • Communicate with your doctor about fears or concerns
  • Volunteer or become a breast cancer advocate

2) Take care of yourself physically

  • Exercise regularly
  • Report any physical changes to either your oncologist or primary care provider
  • Seek treatment for lymphedema if you experience signs

3) Eat healthy

Research has shown that a diet high in fat and calories increases circulating estrogen in the blood. Consuming a low fat and low calorie diet after breast cancer can improve your overall health and wellness. Here are some dietary suggestions:

4) Reduce stress

5) Limit alcohol

6) Exercise regularly

Age And Stage For Breast Cancer Survival

Research over the years has generally shown that women under 40 years have a poorer than average prognosis. Interestingly, this factor is particularly relevant when the breast cancer is axillary node negative.

A medical study published in 2015 examined 4,453 Swedish women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer between 1961 and 1991 regarding age at diagnosis.

This research showed that women under 40 years had a higher mortality rate both for 5 year and 10 year survival rate.

However, older ladies between ages 70 and 79 and over 80 years had a higher mortality rate in both the 5 and 10 year follow up periods. The statistically worst outcome, after all adjustments for other factors, is for ladies over 80 years.

Furthermore, an earlier taken from SEER statistics between the years of 1988 to 2003 found that women under 40 years had lower rates of survival for stage I and II breast cancers.

Conversely, younger women tended to have a more favourable chance of survival at stage III and IV compared with those over 70 years of age.

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Lifestyle Tips For Her2 Positive Breast Cancer

In accordance with 2012 study , obesity and overweight can lead to poorer prognosis.

Staying active can help you balance your weight. Talk to your doctor about the right exercise program for you. Exercise and a healthy diet can also give you better treatment results.

Along with a balanced diet, supplements can help you get the nutrients you need. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements add healthy fats to your diet and help lower cholesterol levels.

Some herbs and spices have anti-cancer properties. Turmeric contains an antioxidant called curcumin. it was found to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells. Add this seasoning to your food or take it as a supplement.

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The Following Statistics Are A Little Old Now They Are Much Better

Pin on triple negative breast cancer

There are of course many factors that contribute to the survival of breast cancer. However, some older studies show that only about 60%of patients with HER-2 positive status invasive breast cancer are disease free after 10 years.

In addition, about 65% survive overall .

And, a greater number of HER-2 positive patients succumb to the illness during the first five years than those who are negative for HER-2 overexpression.

At the same time, all other factors assumed to be equal, patients with negative HER-2 status tumors tend to be disease free at a rate of 75% over 10 years and have a slightly higher overall survival rate.

From this, we can informally estimate that women with breast cancer which overexpresses HER-2 are about 10% more likely to have significant difficulties and ultimately succumb to the disease within the first five years, than those who do not.

Because some of the Incidence and Prognosis rates are a little old now check out our brand new Index of Posts on Survival Rates.

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Triple Negative Breast Cancer: An Overview

Estrogen and progesterone are important hormones for the female reproductive system.

Certain cells have receptors to which these hormones bind to fuel them.

Breast cancer cells with estrogen and progesterone receptors are ER+ and PR+ breast cancer, respectively.

Her2 is another protein that acts as a growth factor, and breast cancer cells with receptors for this protein is called Her2+ breast cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer is a type of breast cancer that does not have receptors for the hormones estrogen, progesterone or the Her 2 protein.

Hence, hormonal treatments targeting such receptors are ineffective against TNBC.

Metastatic Breast Cancer And Diet: Eating Well After Diagnosis

It can be overwhelming to face a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. The good news is that it doesnt have to be complicated to figure out a healthy diet that helps you feel good.

When Brenda Levin of Philadelphia was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2017 at age 40, she read every article she could find about the effect of diet on cancer.

She wanted to make sense of how she, someone who followed a healthy diet and lifestyle, could end up with breast cancer. More important, she wanted to know what diet she should follow to keep the breast cancer from growing.

As a trained practitioner of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, integrative nutrition, and shiatsu massage, Brenda thought she was prepared for whatever life threw at her. But her diagnosis made her rethink what she learned, particularly about food. Should she swear off sugar? Avoid alcohol and caffeine? Never eat her favorite treats again?

I was at a healthy weight with a healthy diet, says Brenda. I have always exercised. Plus, I have always focused on getting ample amounts of vegetables, protein, a good balance of carbohydrates, some fruits, and healthy fats into my daily food regimen.

Brendas research showed her two important things. First, she had done nothing wrong to get cancer. Second, there are no magical foods that make cancer disappear. Since then, she has focused on eating a variety of fresh foods, cooking with healthy oils and allowing herself an occasional glass of wine or ice cream.

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Hormone Receptor Status Can Influence Survival Rates

When a breast cancer tumor is sent for histological analysis, one of the characteristics of the report will be the hormone receptor status of the tumor.

Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor positive tumors tend to respond better to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy tends to be the treatment of choice for stage III and IV breast cancers.

Breast cancers which are triple negative tend to have the least favourable survival rates, regardless of breast cancer stage.

One 2011 research study looked at 269 triple-negative breast cancer patients all treated at the same institution between 2000 and 2006.

This study found that the average age at diagnosis was 55.3 years. The 5 year disease-free survival rate for the whole group was 68.2%. However, the 5 year overall survival rate for the entire group was higher at 74.5%.

Risk of recurrence was higher in the first 3 years following the initial diagnosis. However, the recurrence rate declined significantly after this initial 3 year period.

Other factors that were found to be important factors on survival rates were:-

  • Lymph node status
  • Lymphovascular invasion
  • Age: Ladies older than 65 years had a poorer prognosis

However, ER and PR status tends to have more of an influence on survival than HER2 status. Patients with ER+/PR+/HER2- subtype of breast cancer have an estimated 5-year survival rate of 87.8%.

Other Dietary Tips For Tnbc

Updates on hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative breast cancer
  • Ensure that all your meals contain a generous serving of vegetables or fruits
  • Swap meat with tofu and add green veggies and legumes to stir-fries
  • Instead of choosing bread and pasta made of refined white flour, go for the ones made with whole grains
  • Replace sugar-sweetened beverages with fresh fruits
  • Snack on nuts instead of crisps and chips
  • Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks per week

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Prognosis And Survival For Breast Cancer

If you have breast cancer, you may have questions about your prognosis. A prognosis is the doctors best estimate of how cancer will affect someone and how it will respond to treatment. Prognosis and survival depend on many factors. Only a doctor familiar with your medical history, the type, stage and characteristics of your cancer, the treatments chosen and the response to treatment can put all of this information together with survival statistics to arrive at a prognosis.

A prognostic factor is an aspect of the cancer or a characteristic of the person that the doctor will consider when making a prognosis. A predictive factor influences how a cancer will respond to a certain treatment. Prognostic and predictive factors are often discussed together. They both play a part in deciding on a treatment plan and a prognosis.

Doctors use different prognostic and predictive factors for newly diagnosed and recurrent breast cancers.

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Where Do These Numbers Come From

The American Cancer Society relies on information from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database, maintained by the National Cancer Institute , to provide survival statistics for different types of cancer.

The SEER database tracks 5-year relative survival rates for breast cancer in the United States, based on how far the cancer has spread. The SEER database, however, does not group cancers by AJCC TNM stages . Instead, it groups cancers into localized, regional, and distant stages:

  • Localized: There is no sign that the cancer has spread outside of the breast.
  • Regional: The cancer has spread outside the breast to nearby structures or lymph nodes.
  • Distant: The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body such as the lungs, liver or bones.

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Clinical Trials For Her2

Some women who have triple negative and HER2-negative breast cancers choose to participate in clinical trials to test therapies that arent yet available to the public. Additionally, clinical trials help researchers determine whether new treatments are safe and effective.

You can search for a clinical trial in your area at

Breast Cancer Food Guide


There is no specific diet that is recommended for people with breast cancer. Your nutrient needs may vary depending on many factors that include other medical diagnoses, your body weight, nutrient deficiencies, medications, and any symptoms that youre currently experiencing.

Your healthcare team, including a registered dietitian who specializes in oncology nutrition, can help you come up with an appropriate eating plan specific to your needs and overall health. The following foods are based on general recommendations to maintain overall health while living with breast cancer:

  • whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, protein sources like chicken and turkey, fatty fish like trout or salmon, and plant-based proteins sources like lentils and nuts
  • foods high in healthy fats and protein. If you need to maintain or gain weight, incorporate sources of healthy fat like nuts and seeds, avocados, and olive oil as well as protein sources like eggs, chicken, lentils, and fish. Protein-rich foods are especially important for maintaining muscle mass.
  • blended liquids such as milkshakes, smoothies, juices, or soups for those times when you dont feel like eating solid foods
  • high fiber foods like whole grains, flax seeds, legumes, vegetables and fruits to treat constipation

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Survival Rates And Statistics

A relative survival rate helps give an idea of how long a person with a particular condition will live after receiving a diagnosis compared with those without the condition.

For example, if the 5-year relative survival rate is 70%, it means that a person with the condition is 70% as likely to live for 5 years as someone without the condition.

It is important to remember that these figures are estimates. A person can talk with a doctor about how their condition is likely to affect them.

Some factors affecting a personâs survival rate with breast cancer include:

  • individual factors, such as the personâs age and overall health
  • the stage of the cancer at diagnosis
  • the treatment the person receives

HER2-positive cancers are than HER2-negative cancers. With treatment, however, the chances of survival are high, especially with an early diagnosis. In some cases, they may be higher than for HER2-negative breast cancer due to effective targeted treatment.

According to the , the likelihood of living for another 5 years with HER2-positive cancer, compared with a person who does not have breast cancer, is as follows. These statistics are based on figures for the years 2011â2017.


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There Is No Role Of Anthracyclines In Her2+ Disease Regardless Of Top2a Amplification

Though HER2 amplified tumors displayed varying sensitivity to anthracycline-based regimens described above, the introduction of trastuzumab revolutionized systemic therapy in this patient population. After improved TTP and OS was shown with the addition of trastuzumab to chemotherapy in metastatic HER2 amplified breast cancer, further studies in early-stage HER2 amplified breast cancer,, demonstrated significant DFS and OS benefit with the addition of trastuzumab to standard chemotherapy. However, as all three large studies used a combination of trastuzumab and an anthracycline, there was also a four to fivefold increase in the rate of CHF.

A fourth study assigned patients with early-stage HER2 amplified breast cancer to receive either AC-T, AC-T+trastuzumab, or a new anthracycline-sparing, platinum-containing regimen: TCH . This regimen was based on preclinical studies showing synergy with platinum salts and trastuzumab, which was not evident with anthracyclines or taxanes,,. As expected, each trastuzumab-containing group had improved DFS and OS compared to the AC-T arm. Though the statistical plan was to compare each trastuzumab arm head-to-head with the control arm, a post hoc statistical comparison between the two trastuzumab arms was performed, revealing no difference in efficacy with respect to DFS or OS.

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What Is Her2 Positive Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Nearly 25 percent people newly diagnosed with cancer have breast cancer. One in five people with breast cancer is a type called HER5 positive.

HER2-positive breast cancer tests positive for the HER2 protein. HER2 stands for Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2.

This means that cancer cells have a gene that makes the HER2 protein. This protein causes cancer cells to grow and spread rapidly. HER2-positive breast cancer may develop or grow differently than other types.

Treatment for HER2-positive breast cancer targets the cells that make the protein. This helps slow the growth of cancer and stop it from spreading.

Your Prognosis Depends On Several Factors

Case Study: Treating HR-Positive and HER2-Negative Breast Cancer
  • The size of your cancer
  • Whether your tumor has spread to other areas of your body
  • The type of breast cancer you have
  • The hormone receptor and HER2 status of your tumor
  • Whether your cancer is triple-negative
  • The rate of cell growth
  • How likely your cancer is to come back
  • Whether your cancer is newly diagnosed or a recurrence
  • Your age and menopausal status
  • Your general health

Each person is different, and your doctor will likely run several tests before giving you a formal prognosis.

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I Think Of My Essential Oils As Supplements Ive Been Told That Using A Topical Blend Of Frankincense Sandalwood And Lemon May Help Lower The Risk Of Recurrence What Are Your Thoughts On These Or Other Possibilities

Essential oils have been used in a variety of cultures for thousands of years, but they are fairly new in the cancer care arena. There are no studies that have examined how the use of essential oils may affect cancer risk, or risk of in people who have had the disease. Some companies that manufacture and sell essential oils claim that these products can prevent or beat cancer, but these claims are not supported by scientific evidence in humans.

These claims of effectiveness against cancer are based largely on what is known as anecdotal evidence, plus some laboratory studies in cells . Unfortunately, anecdotal reports by people cannot be verified, so there is no way to determine if the person making the report is an actual patient who had a positive experience with the essential oil. studies are an important starting point in cancer research, but they are not a good way to know if the being tested will actually work in humans. Cancer cells can behave very differently in a test tube than they would behave inside of a human body.

The study authors felt that the gynecomastia occurred because of the possible weak estrogenic and antiandrogenic activities of lavender and tea tree oils. Avoiding these two essential oils is recommended in patients with -dependent tumors.


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